
Tayside Branch

Programme of events, 2016

30th January 2016

They Really Are A Wonderful Lot : The Black Watch and Kitchener’s New Army


Dr Derek Patrick, University of Dundee


Dr Derek Patrick is a lecturer in the History Department at Dundee University, which he joined following the completion of his PhD in 2002. His teaching focuses on 17th & 18th century Scotland, with the emphasis on the Revolution of 1688-89 and the Union of 1706-07. However, he also has has long-term interest in the Great War. He is a co-founder of the Great War Dundee Commemorative Project, and was one of three Scottish academic advisers for the BBC's World War One at Home initiative.


Derek’s talk will explore the formation of the 8th, 9th and 10th (Service) battalions of the The Black Watch and the men who served in New Army units of the regiment. Based on contemporary records he will discuss the geographic spread of recruiting, the origins of the volunteers, and how each battalion was officered and led. Finally, he intends to explore how regimental identity helped forge these battalions into effective units, and how each performed in the early stages of the war.